This year’s Weekender event was no different, but instead of revealing one primarch and showing a glimpse of the next in some half finished WIP form, they showed two new primarchs! Mortarion the Reaper Primarch of the Death Guard was unveiled and for sale at the event. Because of this slow release schedule, Forge World events like the Weekender have had the added excitement that they are often where the next primarch model is revealed. Even with the second hand and a span of two years, only 6 of the primarchs have models (of the 12 with rules). Initially the task fell solely on the shoulders of Simon Egan, but quickly Edgar Skomorowski began sculpting some, as well. It also began the slow, excruciating count-down until the next Primarch was sculpted. With this release, Forge World showed to the world that they were capable of undertaking the herculean task of sculpting models for figures that hold a mythical status in the imaginations of most Warhammer 40,000 players (or at least the ones who have been playing for awhile). When Simon Egan first showed his vision of Angron of the World Eaters, I was stunned with how effectively he captured the savage magistry of the gladiatorial fighter, exceeding all of my expectations. It was where some of the most iconic Space Marine Chapters came into being and where each were shaped by their own enigmatic and god-like Primarch. The Heresy has always been a fascinating story, detailing a civil war of galactic scale, pitting brother Space Marine against brother Space Marine. And with all of the stellar models being released for the Horus Heresy in the last two years, it is obvious why. People had pretty high hopes the Horus Heresy Weekender event two weekends ago. "For within each frail human body is the will to grasp the stars and walk a path unto eternity itself."