Why are they so stupid? It's like one irrational decision after another. All the characters as a whole were dumb when they decided to continue their little expedition when they knew a huge storm was coming and could possibly flood the caves thereby killing everyone. The girl for example refused to wear a wetsuit when going diving because she's an idiot and doesn't know the definition of hypothermia.

I've seen a lot of movies with stupid characters, and these characters are really, really dumb. It makes the characters do stupid things. The writing was probably the worst part of the film. There could have been some sort of depth between the characters like Josh and Frank and maybe that guy and his girlfriend. I watched this film mainly because I liked the Descent and thought that this movie would be something like that. In terms of action, adventure films, this one is forgettable, and there are better ones out there. Watch something else, Sanctum just doesn't deliver and it is a film that should have used plenty of script rewrites before getting the go ahead.

Overall, I was let down by the film, and I can't recommend it because it's just a pointless effort that lacks anything that will truly grab your attention. Sanctum had potential, but the filmmakers squander that to rethread old formulaic ideas that just are not interesting. If you're going into this one expecting a great movie, you'll sadly be disappointed. Sanctum is just a collection of clichés, and underwhelming performances. The high point of the film however, is that the film looks great, and it's well shot, but overall it's an empty vessel, a film that lacks effective execution to make a truly exciting thrill ride from start to finish. Unfortunately, the ideas here are overdone, and not that interesting.

The end result leaves you wanting more, and considering it was produced by James Cameron, you'd expect a great film viewing experience. Unfortunately the results here lack, and despite a few good moments, it doesn't do anything to really grab your attention. Sanctum is the perfect example of a film that's style over substance, it looks great, but the plot is paper thin, and relies on recycled ideas from previous films in order to create an engaging film. The film is a well made, and there some exciting bits here and there, unfortunately, the material presented here is something we've seen many times before. Mediocre action film, Sanctum is a film that had potential of being a great film unfortunately it falls flat, and relies more on clichés than anything.