Alternatively you can send an e-mail to to contact some of core contributors. We recommend using our forums or our Slack. Report bugs on, we strongly recommend using English language. No, at the moment we do not accept donation as we do not have any good idea how to spend potential money from donation. That also means project future doesn’t depend on “team members” abandoning it or deciding not to publish source code. Unlike most other Heroes 3 related projects VCMI is open-source, which means it is public and everybody can contribute. More detailed information about currently recommended setup process is available on our wiki: Cleaner way: Download release and install VCMI into new folder, then copy “data”, “maps” and “mp3” folders from some folder with installed Heroes 3 into main VCMI folder (or %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\vcmi folder). When that happens play store will be our recommended way to download VCMI on Android.Įasiest way: Download release from and install VCMI into Heroes 3 folder. Currently as of VCMI version 1.1.0 we do not have up-do-date build available on google play for Android users, but we plan to fix that. We recommend downloading latest release from - scroll to the bottom and download installer from your system. More of them will come as the project evolves. VCMI provides its own options for high resolutions and quality-of-life GUI improvements, some of them being re-make of HD Mod features. For example VCMI scripting (planned future feature) while not being WoG focused work, will be a replacement for WoG’s scripting feature. When more VCMI features come, they may be used to re-implement missing parts of mods. Still, they were ported by enthusiasts as VCMI mods, offering limited range of their features. HotA and WoG are mods that work with original Heroes 3, VCMI is basically a new game. Also VCMI is cross-platform so it works on Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android. Our goal is to make “better” heroes 3 that overcomes various H3 engine limitations and allows way easier extensibility / modding than original game. What is the purpose of VCMI? Why to play or develop it if Heroes 3 is already there?.We have a plan to support popular features from WoG and HD mod as well as some brand-new features, but there are many other areas that need our attention as well. Everything in VCMI is made from scratch - loading game files, drawing graphics, AI, game mechanics etc. We use original Heroes 3 graphic, sound and text assets and make new game that is supposed to work 100% same as H3. In simple words: Remake of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. This article has been verified for VCMI 1.1.0 (release date ) + Android mini-patch ()